How Gadget Affects Our Life (BEC) . A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are sometimes referred to as gizmos. (Source : wiki)
The world today is run by gadgets. At home I have computer, tablet and old handphone (Hp) 😀 . We have internet through WLAN. My HP dont have internet connection. My husband and I dont want spend at least 20 euro/month (around Rp.300.000) for internet connection on our hp, I rather buy flowersor plants for my garden .
We have 24 hours high speed internet at home, and when we go outdoor, so we make other thing outside internet thing. We dont want ruin ourself with gadget.
Thanks to technology and thanks to gadget so I can connect to my family and friends in Indonesia or outside country where I live in. Everyday I send message to my mom through facebook. I send my baby boy pics almost everyday. My mom like to read my blog through her tablet LOL (laughing out loud) .
I have email, I follow social media but I dont like live conversation, I mean chatting. I dont have whatsapp (WA) id and bbm. I dont want buy another gadget so I can connect with WA or bbm. I have yahoo messenger (YM) but I only used and give my id for certain friend or family, when it’s urgent to talk to. I dont want spend many hours in that thing (chat).
I love gadget but I dont want addicted with this thing. So How Gadget Affects Your Life?.
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Hai Dinni salam kenal juga ya 😀 . Nulis yang kita suka, mengalir aja ko, banyak baca tulisan blogger lain bisa memberikan inspirasi 🙂 .
hi kakak, salam kenal yaa :3
postingan nya keren” ni, mau dong d ajarin cara nulis d blog yg baguuss (:
Have a good day too Domi 😉 .
Aku juga senang chatting sih, cuma krn skrng ada anak ya ga bisa deh chatting bisa ketagihan hehe.
Keren bgt kak Nella ga sampe ketergantungan ma gadget.. Py sih bukan ga bisa lepas dari tablet, tp krn emang dasarnya seneng chating jadi yah gitu deh :p
I’m abseloutly a gree at all. I need gadget a gatget, really sure but i don’t want addicted :-))) Have a lovely day Mbak nella
yup, mostly dealing with my kitchen, my camera and my family…
I’m too busy with my kid and my garden, that why dont have much time with gadget 😀 .
What do you do on the weekend Ded?. Cooking or gathering with family & friends?.
Hai Ijal salam kenal juga ya 🙂 . Waktu saya single saya juga sptmu ga bisa lepas dari gadget. Bhakan pernah jari2 kram selama seminggu, sakitnya minta ampun. Skrg saya sibuk mengurus anak dan berkebun jadi gadget ya seperlunya saja digunakan.
Hai sis Fanny me and your friend we are joined englishfriday that’s why we have same theme lol 😀 . It seem You like my husband. My hubby dont bring hp to work, and he dont tell his bos that he have it. My hubby said he dont want his boss call outside working time 😀 .
Hahahaha, I’ve just given my comment on the same theme at my my friend’s blog. :D. Seems that you two follow the similar community to write in english…
So, about gadget, personally I really depend on it. My boss often contacts me and asks about works.. Or I have to call/message my subordinates about office tasks as well.
but…… There’s also moment where I don’t wanna be disturbed by any calling/message/chat thru gadget. That’s when I’m traveling. My hp will be off. No one can call me and keep asking about works. Sorry boss, but leave means leave ;p..
Great post, mbak 🙂
Aku yang seumuran pelajar sekarang seperti ngga bisa dipisahkan dari gadget, sejak bangun hingga mau tidur pasti sesekali di cek :/
Tapi tetap ada sedikit usaha supaya ngga terlalu gagdet addict, ada hari tanpa gadget solusinya ^_^
Btw, salam kenal & happy weekend!
Blog/url dihapus karena blog tidak aktif lagi. Update 22.01.2016.
I had no gadged zone on weekend, only connected it online on weekdays…..
Very nice! It seems you have everything under control. I am working towards that goal myself.
Thank you 🙂 .
I like this post, mba. 🙂
Will inform you Mba Nella soon after we decide it.
iyaya apalagi kalo balesnya cepet-cepet..and then the conversation goes on and on and ooonn~~ 😀
Thank you mba Nela! 🙂
Before I aready write the post. I want to know theme for next week 😉 .
Kalau dulu gw masih single ya diperbudak gadget sampai jari2 tangan pernah kram seminggu sakit banget krn2 maen gadget melulu 😆 .
Benar banget bang 😉 .
Iya ga bisa bentar klo chat, pengalaman dulu2 wah bisa ketagihan berjam-jam hehe 😀 .
Hi Dani I already fill out the form on 😉 .
Cool mba Nel. You have full fledged control over your gadgets. Thank you for participating. 🙂 list of the submissions can be read from @bligenglishclub twitter account timeline.
emang kadang chat yg paling nyita waktu ya, Mbak hehe
iya… jangan sampai addict sama gadget 😀
iya gadget sangat membantu buat komunikasi… tapi emang jangan sampe diperbudak sama gadget ya hehehe
Wow. You are so fast Mba Nella. I have just send you about the challenge this morning and…
Yes. Gadget is very important for those who live outside Indonesia. I felt that also when I was in Liberia. Really helps me a lot.